The guru is the one who leads the created to the creator. The guru is the origin of the Godhead in human shape to produce the proper conditions for the seekers to ascend to his Divine essence (Moksha or Enlightenment or Chaitanya).
Everything that happens is but an aspect of the Divine Will. The ‘descent of the Divine energy’ (Guru Principal) and the ‘ascent of the human aspiration’ (spiritual path of the seeker) are mutually complementary.
Guru is one in whose presence, by whose touch (Shaktipat) or thought (sankalpa) one feels inner happiness and bliss. Guru alone can remove doubts, pitfalls and snares in the way of the searcher. Guru is Himself God! Guru inspires, Guru Guides and Guru enlightens seekers and struggling people of the Samsarik world.
Shri Dattatreya is the supreme figure of that Guru Principal. Since Shri Datta Guru performs the task of the Guru principle, His charge will stay till the final person in the universe attains Final Liberation.
Shri Datta Guru - Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient - All in one and one in all
The atria and Anasuya are said to be the parents of Shri Datta Guru in the Indian mythology. Atria also means in Sanskrit "not at that place" - that which is beyond the trio. The one who got down from that which is not there is called Athreya. The pure consciousness is called Athri.
The pure consciousness details into the trinity facets of consciousness as: Will, Knowledge and Activity of Itcha, Jnana and Kriya Sakthis. The trio add up together to organize the cosmos with their three qualities – called Trigunas – Sattva (Purity and Knowledge) Raja (Activity and Passion), Tama (Ignorance and Inertia). Their corresponding colors are: golden yellow, red and black. The shaping is performed through these three tones and colors along with the associated sounds and numbers. As a result the creation happens with all its planes of being.
The pure consciousness pervades all the planes of being turned out by the Trojans. Just as gold is the nub of the jewelry, the consciousness is an essence of the Pure Existence.
The poised creation and the poised being are the result of a synthesis of the trigunas, where the three are equally oriented to each other and no one commands the other. This synthesis of the Trojans is also named the state of equilibrium relating to the three calibers. This state is geometrically described as the equilateral triangle. When the three qualities are so equally poised and oriented, they consequently form into an equilateral triangle, and that state is called the state of no-malice.
Anasuya in Sanskrit means: "not Asuya". (Asia means malice or jealousy.) Shri Datta Guru is said to be born to Anasuya, the Mother and Athri, the Father. Athri, the Father, is alleged to be the pure consciousness and Anasuya, the mother, is the land of no malice (jealousy). The state of Anasuya is depicted as an equilateral triangle and the state of Athri is depicted as a kernel within the perimeter.
This is the all-important principle relating to the state of Shri Dattatreya that is: pure consciousness (Essence of the Pure Existence) expressed through equated qualities. He is beyond the Trinity, but can equally be stated through the Trinity. He is therefore creative like the creator Brahma, preserver like Vishnu, and destroyer like Siva. As pure consciousness Dattatreya can be like Divine Mother and as Pure Existence he can be the Divine Absolute. He is potent with all possibilities. That is how he is considered by the oracles of ancient times, as "All in One and One in All".
Thus Lord Dattatreya ‘The Guru principle’ is considered Omnipotent (having infinite power), Omnipresent (being present in all situations at all times) and Omniscient (knowing everything that is there to recognize). He is the Guru principle that operates in gross, subtle, or mental world in all the plains of existence through various Sadgurus.